Acrylic Palette Knife Painting

Class Information

Acrylic artist pigments became popular in the 1960’s. Their quick drying time allows for spontaneous and energetic layering. This attribute of acrylic paint makes it an ideal medium for palette knife painting. Artists like Nicola Simbari and Leroy Neiman took great advantage of this new medium, creating dynamic, impressionistic art painting solely with palette knives. Class will include morning and afternoon instructor demonstrations with students replicating the instructor’s process.

Supply List

Stretched Canvas 18 x 24.

A basic set of acrylic tube paints

Wax paper

Disposable pallet

A modest assortment of varying size and style pallet knives

Water container


Several small brushes

Optional acrylic gel modelling paste

Additional Information

Class Number:


Day of Week:



October 12


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Skill Level:


Class Type:

Member Fee:


Non-Member Fee:
