Basic Drawing

Class Information

Explore the basic fundamentals of drawing: contour line, composition, perspective and shading. Drawing is the foundation, the “bare bones” upon which the artist bases all other elements of art. Discover the artist within you that is simply waiting to be unleashed in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Supply List

graphite pencils: HB, 2B, 4B, 6B (any company)
plastic eraser, kneaded eraser
Blender stumps – (variety sets of 5 sizes – get the ones with points on both sides)
11” x 14” Drawing pad. The higher the weight the better the pad will be.
Viewfinder (try to find the one called viewcatcher)
a ruler.

Additional Information

Class Number:


Day of Week:



April 16 - May 21


6:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Skill Level:


Class Type:

Member Fee:


Non-Member Fee:
