Mixing Color & Perspective for Artists

Class Information

On day one, students will learn how to recognize the components of a color and to mix paint to recreate that color.  Then on day two students will learn the basics of liner perspective and atmospheric perspective, which include the way color helps to create a sense of perspective.  During both days of this workshop, participants will see demos and have an opportunity to practice the demonstrated skills.  The instructor will work with each student individually and meet them at their current skill level.

Supply List

Participants must use their own painting supplies in either oil, acrylic, or watercolor – including canvas, paper, palette, a ruler and an 18”x 24” newsprint pad.  You can bring a different pad if you have it.

Additional Information

Class Number:


Day of Week:

Saturday and Sunday


July 20 and 21


10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Skill Level:


Class Type:

Member Fee:


Non-Member Fee:
