Painting Workshop: Monet and Wolf Kahn

Class Information

What do Monet and Kahn have in common?  Both were influenced by J.M.W. Turner and they were all interested in painting atmosphere.  Come experiment with techniques in acrylic paint to achieve these soft and misty looks in your work. 

Supply List

A variety of brushes, including old bristly brushes

A variety of small canvases for experimenting

In addition, at least two canvases 16” x 20”

Recommended acrylic colors:  titanium white, cadmium yellow medium, viridian green, emerald green, French ultramarine, cobalt blue, alizarin crimson, vermilion, ivory black & any you want to add.

Additional Information

Class Number:


Day of Week:

Saturday and Sunday


June 1 and 2


10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Skill Level:


Class Type:

Member Fee:


Non-Member Fee:
